
This page includes: (1) reports generated by the Faculty Policy Committee and any subcommittees it charges; (2) reports by groups charged by the Chair of the Faculty (perhaps in collaboration with others); (3) some key reports from Standing Committees of the Faculty – these reports and related links are also found on the web pages of these committees; and (4) reports from Institute-wide initiatives or task forces on topics that are of direct relevance to faculty members – such as community, diversity, education, student life, and more. Please contact us if there is an additional report that you would like to see included here.

May 2014
Graduate Student Housing Working Group
Phillip Clay

The Provost appointed the Graduate Student Housing Working Group to evaluate how graduate student housing needs are currently met, identify strengths and weaknesses in the current system, and make recommendations for meeting graduate housing needs in the future.

October 2012
Task Force on Community Engagement in 2030 Planning
Thomas Kochan

The Task Force on Community Engagement in 2030 Planning was appointed in August 2012 by Provost Chris Kaiser and asked to provide guidance on upcoming decisions related to campus development within the context of the capital planning process known as MIT 2030.

December 2009
Institute-wide Planning Task Force
Eric Grimson, Daniel Hastings

This is the final report of MIT's Institute-wide Planning Task Force, which was charged with identifying opportunities for efficiency and cost reduction that do not sacrifice MIT's core mission. It represents a concerted, inclusive, sustained effort to strengthen MIT by improving operations; preserve MIT's financial stability; and enhance its global leadership in research and education.