Pulse of the Faculty
The Pulse of the Faculty is a tool to get faculty input on community-sourced questions affecting all of us. Questions stay up for a week, and all responses are fully anonymous. Your faculty officers encourage you to give it a try!
Faculty Breakfasts - Upcoming Dates
The News You Get From Poems
Mary C. Fuller
Many things are up in the air this week, and the Newsletter’s mode of static publication at a set, future time seems especially ill-suited to current conditions. I certainly feel the need, as I know others do, for a more flexible, better attuned means of communication. That isn’t a reason not to use the ones we have, or to replace reflection with breathless news scrolls, but in the circumstances of late April and early May anything I write about campus may be out of date by tomorrow, let alone two weeks from now. ... The rest of this and other communications can be found on the Communications from the Chair page.